Floral Workshop
Over the last 3 years we have taught more than 200 participants.
Our notable clients include CapitaLand, UniOracle Alliance.
We are happy and hope for everyone to create a piece of their own someday.
If you are interested in having us for a group/private/corporate programme, do WhatsApp us at 91721905!
Upcoming events
Preserved Bouquets (Regular)
3/4 August 2024, Weekend 10.30am-12.30pm
17/18 August 2024, Weekend 10.30am-12.30pm
31 August/1 September 2024, Weekend 10.30am-12.30pm
Learn to craft a flower bouquet from scratch, with preserved & dried flowers. Choose limitless colours in class. Your creation will last up to a year.
Fresh Bouquets (Spiral-Style)
Coming soon
Snack Bouquets
Coming soon